Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Get free

I think it's so important to set aside at least one day a month to shoot for your self.
Set your self freeeeeee!!! Pick a pet project and just have fun, don't be afraid to make a mistake, rediscover the photographer you really are or used to be in the days before 85% of your time as a photographer was spent in front of the computer.
Shoot something that turns you on, gets you going...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


If you don't own a film camera a great place to start is KEH, you can get amazing deals on 35mm and medium format cameras, their quality ratings are very conservative, I just bought a Mamiya 645 1000s which is flawless for a fraction of it's original price. If your a Canon shooter then the
1n or the 1v are great buys and for Nikon you can pick up the amazing F5 or F100 for a song.

This year I'm getting my film from Freestyle and using Richard Photo Lab in Los Angeles for processsing and high-res scans whom by all accounts are the best film lab in the country and most of the best film wedding / portrait photographers in the country use them.

Monday, January 26, 2009

This next series was shot with my new favorite camera, Mamiya 645 with the awesome 85mm 1.9 lens, the depth of field is unbelievably shallow, almost a medium format Noctilux.

Here is a series I shot with my lovely and (sold) Deardorff 4x5, shot on Polaroid type 55 film (alas no more) contact printed. I think it was Ilford FB Multigrade
Nikon F100, 85mm 1.4 lens, Kodak Portra BW, scanned
Olympus OM1, 135mm lens, Tri-x, printed on Oriental Seagul
Nikon F3, 105mm lens Kodak infra-red film, printed on Kodak Ektalure.
Nikon F3, 105mm lens, Ektachrome 160 tungsten film overexposed by 2 stops, natural light.
Olympus OM1, 135mm lens, printed on Agfa Portriga